

Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! 
Psalm 63:3

What is life? Life is a beautiful gift from God. However, it is also fleeting, it is unpredictable, it is filled with sorrow and struggles, it is up and down. It is here today and gone tomorrow.  

But what about God’s love? It is eternal, it is sacrificial, it is not up and down- we know where we stand with Him, He is not kind today and unkind tomorrow, but it is gentle, it drives out fear, it is unfailing and everlasting, it is far better than life itself! 

But what about eternal life? 

“Whom have I in heaven but you?” Psalm 73:25a. 

Heaven is what it is because of God and His love! 

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:26  

Thank you Lord for the gift of life.  Thank you that You have preserved my life up to this day.  Even through the blackest days you have held me, those days speak to me of your protection.  The many days of joy and happiness speak to me of your kindness, your amazing concern to give good things to your children.  

We cling to life and are sad when those we love come to the end of their lives.  Thank you that we can cling to you who have conquered death.