
If you’re asking yourself this question, we’re so encouraged! We know there’s only one person who can truly heal us from the grief and pain of abortion, that’s Jesus. The church should be the first place bereaved mothers seek for restoration and we are hopeful that it will be increasingly possible for them to do so.

First step part 1
In order to set up a link to PASE in your church, the first thing that needs to be established is a culture of openly talking about abortion. How is this most swiftly and effectively achieved? By speaking about abortion on a Sunday morning. When you talk about abortion it allows those who have been affected by it to learn that it’s not so terrible that the cross doesn’t cover it, and it’s not so harmless that you don’t need to mention it. Speaking about abortion tells those who are grieving, “I understand the depth of your pain because I see the destruction that abortion is. Your sorrow isn’t disproportionate and there is comfort from the Lord.” .

When the whole church has had the chance to hear this, you will find some women and men begin to engage their friends, the pastoral care team and hopefully you about their personal experience of abortion. This trust is an open door to future healing. 

Speaking about abortion on a Sunday morning can be a daunting prospect. Our brother project, Brephos, exists to help churches respond to abortion. Please get in touch with them by visiting their website.

First step part 2
Simultaneously as you prepare to speak about abortion, prepare your pastorally gifted brothers and sisters to receive those who respond. You can request the resources from PASE to share with your pastoral team so they’re spiritually and emotionally equipped to serve those who approach them for support. This looks at the long term friendships that best serve these women, the most effective way to engage in conversation about the abortion and things to avoid doing/saying. 

Second step
Promote your connection to PASE. You may not be aware of who in the church needs this resource and they may not ever make themselves known to the pastoral team until after they’ve been in touch with PASE. All the more reason to leave PASE literature available, place a link on your church website and socials and inform your small group leaders of this available resource.

Third step 
The PASE Recovery Course runs online in groups. If two or more women from the church are seeking help to recover, we can place them together on a course. If only one comes at a time they can still complete the course with other women from across the country. We encourage course graduates to train to run the course themselves. Most will become support leaders, then take on the responsibility of course leadership. When this happens it would be possible to run in-person courses from the church.

These recovered and trained women are a powerful resource in the church and in the community. The number of women affected by abortion is staggeringly high and without the local church, we cannot help those who seek it. Please get in touch to receive resources, literature and training so that your church can be a supportive place for those bereaved by abortion.