

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV


For us who have felt afraid, have felt that we had to accept lies, for us who have had times when we hated ourselves and feared for our sanity - The Lord God encourages us with the gift of this blessing. 

He understands. He doesn’t want us to be afraid. He says, you are mine, you can trust in Me. He knows how we have been ground down, let Him lift us up and accept confidence from Him. His love will fill us even though we say “Oh Lord, I don’t deserve it.” The days when all our thoughts were so jumbled, nothing made sense, the darkness loomed near us - those days are gone. Give them to Him. 


Even today we face the temptation to give in to fear as we listen to the national news, or face family difficulties. Health issues can be a problem. Let us hold on to this wonderful promise for ourselves. Let us share with others who are struggling. So in conversation when we listen to the hard times our friend is going through, when we know there is no real hope from social services, or the medical profession, when we are ashamed that we have no comfort to offer…expect to hear from The Lord! Pray with your friend. Have faith that Jesus cares and will provide. You might suddenly have a song in your head, or a picture. Perhaps this scripture.. Be brave. We can trust our thoughts - He has given us His Word.


Thank you Father God. There was a time when we needed to be carried, and you gently held us. Thank you there is a time when you help us to step out in faith and you are still gently guiding us. For good, for bad, for better or worse you have taken us as your own, and we can depend on you.