
There is a lie that abortion does not end a life. There is a lie that the life ended by abortion is not really human. There is a lie that the aborted baby is not worth anything.

Abortion ends the life of a small human being, a little person as human as you or I, with unique DNA, a separate person from the mother. A male or female person, a life cut short.

So where does that little human being go?

Life is the spirit of a person connected to the body. Death is when the spirit leaves the body. Christians believe that our spirit– that essential thing that is uniquely ‘us’ - goes to be with the creator at death. For many the question “where is my aborted child” can haunt us, guilt and pain can hold on to us. We can feel that we do not deserve to recover or be happy ever again.

Scripture teaches us that the sins of the fathers are not visited onto the children. (Ezekiel 18:20) Therefore we can be confident that the fate of our aborted baby is the same as any little one who was stillborn, miscarried or died in infancy.

Jesus revealed that he had a special concern for children when he said:

“It would be better for a man to be cast into a deep pool with a millstone around his neck than to harm one of these little ones. (Luke 17:2)
“I tell you their angels are always beholding the face of their Father in heaven” (Matt 18:10)
We can also remember that Jesus said, “Unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 18:3)

Throughout times when infant mortality was high in England we can see the confidence Christian parents had that their little children would be received by Jesus. That hope and confidence can be read in the inscriptions on infant headstones in graveyards around the country.

However no one can speak with certainty, this is a matter of faith. “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” Maybe each of us has to seek the scriptures for ourselves, earnestly pray and honestly wait on the Lord to receive His peace. For myself I have given my poor little dead child to Jesus and received assurance that He holds my little one in His loving arms.